a- increased CRP
b- carditis
c- arthritis
d- erythema marginatum
102 - Hepatolenticular degeneration is seen in ?
a- parkinsons
b- huntington's chorea
c- wilson's disease
d- reye's syndrome
103 - Genotype of klinefelter's syndrome ?
a- 45 XXY
b- 46 X0
c- 45 XY
d- 47 XXY
104 - Phototherapy is useful in ?
a- icterus neonatorum
b- neonatal anemia
c- both
d- none
105 - Tetralogy of fallot is not associated with ?
a- VSD
b- pulmonary stenosis
c- LVH
d- overriding of aorta
106 - Down's syndrome features on ultrasound ?
a- increased nuchal fold thickness
b- reduced length of femur
c- reduced length of humerus
d- all the above
107 - The CSF findings in TB meningitis resembles ?
a- cryptococcal meningitis
b- brain abscess
c- herpes encephalitis
d- neurocysticercosis
108 - First sign of puberty in a female ?
a- thelarche
b- pubarche
c- menarche
d- all the above
109 - Most common neoplasm in children?
a- wilm's tumor
b- ALL
c- retinoblastoma
d- nephroblastoma
110 - Holoprosencephaly is seen in ?
a- trisomy 13
b- fetal alcohol syndrome
c- trisomy 21
d- trisomy 18

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