Thursday, January 10, 2008

12 - Pediatrics Mcqs - 101 to 110

101 - Which is not a major jones criteria ?
a- increased CRP
b- carditis
c- arthritis
d- erythema marginatum

102 - Hepatolenticular degeneration is seen in ?
a- parkinsons
b- huntington's chorea
c- wilson's disease
d- reye's syndrome

103 - Genotype of klinefelter's syndrome ?
a- 45 XXY
b- 46 X0
c- 45 XY
d- 47 XXY

104 - Phototherapy is useful in ?
a- icterus neonatorum
b- neonatal anemia
c- both
d- none

105 - Tetralogy of fallot is not associated with ?
a- VSD
b- pulmonary stenosis
c- LVH
d- overriding of aorta

106 - Down's syndrome features on ultrasound ?
a- increased nuchal fold thickness
b- reduced length of femur
c- reduced length of humerus
d- all the above

107 - The CSF findings in TB meningitis resembles ?
a- cryptococcal meningitis
b- brain abscess
c- herpes encephalitis
d- neurocysticercosis

108 - First sign of puberty in a female ?
a- thelarche
b- pubarche
c- menarche
d- all the above

109 - Most common neoplasm in children?
a- wilm's tumor
b- ALL
c- retinoblastoma
d- nephroblastoma

110 - Holoprosencephaly is seen in ?
a- trisomy 13
b- fetal alcohol syndrome
c- trisomy 21
d- trisomy 18

Holoprosencephaly is a type of cephalic disorder. This is a disorder characterized by the failure of the prosencephalon (the forebrain of the embryo) to develop. During normal development the forebrain is formed and the face begins to develop in the fifth and sixth weeks of human pregnancy. (The condition also occurs in other species, as with the Cyclops kitten.) Holoprosencephaly is caused by a failure of the embryo's forebrain to divide to form bilateral cerebral hemispheres (the left and right halves of the brain), causing defects in the development of the face and in brain structure and function.

Essential Pediatric McQs
MCQs in Pediatrics 2nd edition
MCQs in Pediatrics ; Over 600 Questions with Explanatory Notes

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