Thursday, January 10, 2008

13 - Pediatrics Mcqs - 111 to 120

111 - Wheeze is heard in ?
a- bronchial asthma
b- foreign body aspiration
c- viral pneumonia
d- all the above

112 - Urine becomes dark on standing in which condition ?
a- alkaptonuria
b- cystinuria
c- fabry's disease
d- tyrosinemia

113 - Cherry red spot is seen in all of the following conditions except ?
a- GM1 gangliosidosis
b- niemann pick disease
c- krabbe disease
d- multiple sulfatase deficiency

114 - The drug imatinib acts by the inhibition of the enzyme ?
a- tyrosine kinase
b- glutathione reductase
c- thymidine synthetase
d- protein kinase

115 - Hemolysis in G6PD deficiency is precipitated by all except ?
a- dapsone
b- septran
c- quinine
d- pencillin

116 - L- asparginase is used in the treatment of which type of leukemia ?
a- AML
b- ALL
c- CML
d- CLL

117 - In which of the following types of leukemia is prophylactic methotrexate for CNS prophylaxis is administered ?
a- ALL
b- AML
c- CML
d- CLL

118 - The protective effect of breast milk is known to be associated with ?
a- Ig M ab
b- lysozyme
c- mast cell
d- Ig A ab

119 - Exclusive breast feeding is prescribed till ?
a- 4 months
b- 6 months
c- 8 months
d- 10 months

120 - An infant triples it weight at the age of ?
a- 6 months
b- 12 months
c- 18 months
d- 2 years

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