Wednesday, January 9, 2008

8 - Pediatrics Mcqs - 61 to 70

61 - All the following can occur in a neonate for heat production except ?
a- shivering
b- breakdown of brown fat with adrenaline secretion
c- universal flexion like a foetus
d- cutaneous vasoconstriction

*The mechanism of heat production in neonates is called non shivering thermogenesis .

62 - The most common etiological agent associated with epiglottitis is ?
a- streptococcus pneumoniae
b- hemophilus influenza type b
c- neisseria
d- moraxella

63 - The appropriate approach to a neonate presenting with vaginal bleeding on day 4 of life ?

64 - Nile blue sulphate test is done to detect ?
a- maturity of kidney
b- maturity of liver
c- maturity of lungs
d- maturity of skin

65 - which of the following is the principal mode of heat exchange in an infant incubator ?
a- radiation
b- evaporation
c- convection
d- conduction

66 - which organ is the primary site of hematopoesis in the fetus before mid pregnancy ?
a- bone
b- liver
c- spleen
d- lung

67 - The most common leukocytoclastic vasculitis affecting children is ?
a- takasayu
b- kawasaki
c- HSP
d- PAN

68 - A 12 year old shyam presented with gross hematuria with 80 % dysmorphic RBCs 2 days after an attack of URI . diagnosis ?
a- microangiopathic thrombocytic anemia
b- Ig A nephropathy
d- Henosch schonlein purpura

*The most common common glomerular disease world wide .

69 - Deficiency of hexosaminidase A and B causes which disease ?
a- taysach's disease
b- sandhoff' s disease
c- niemann pick disease
d- gaucher disease

70 - Deficiency of which enzyme causes faber's disease ?
a- acid ceramidase
b- hexosaminidase
c- aryl sulfatase
d- alpha glucosidase

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