Wednesday, January 9, 2008

3 - Paediatrics Mcqs - 21 to 30

21 - Most common cause of cholestatic jaundice in a new born is ?
a- hypoplasia of biliary tract
b- neonatal hepatitis
c- choledochal cyst
d- physiological jaundice

22 - All the following are used in the treatment of bronchiolitis , except ?
a- humidified oxygen
b- IV fluids
c- antiviral drugs
d- antibiotics

23 - Treatment of choice in bronchiolitis ?
a- ribavarine
b- amantidine
c- vidarabine
d- zidovudine

24 - Most common cause of acute coryza is ?
a- arena virus
b- rhino virus
c- RSV
d- influenza virus

25 - The commonest cause of lower respiratory tract in children ?
a- streptococcus pyogenes
b- hemophilus influenza
c- streptococcus pneumoniae
d- staphylococcus

26 - Pulmonary surfactant is produced by ?
a- type 1 pneumocytes
b- type 2 pneumocytes
c- clara cells
d- bronchial epithelial cells

27 - Infective endocarditis is not seen in one of the following conditions ?
a- VSD
b- TOF
c- ASD
d- PDA

28 - Rheumatic heart disease in india - not true
a- starts at young age
b- progresses rapidly
c- aortic valve is involved most commonly
d- Mitral regurgitation is the most common lesion

29 - The most common valvular lesion developing early in rheumatic fever is ?
a- MS
b- MR
c- AS
d- AR

30 - Park williams 8 strain is used for which vaccine?
a- polio
b- rabies
c- diptheria
d- jeryll lynn

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