Wednesday, January 9, 2008

5 - Pediatrics Mcqs - 41 to 50

41 - Fontann surgery and Glenn shunt are related to ?
a- Tricuspid atresia
b- TOF
c- TGA
d- congenital AS

42 - Partial left ventriculectomy and mitral valve repair or replacement done for DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY is called ?
a- batista procedure
b- farista procedure
c- manista procedure
d- golistha procedure

43 - Following a respiratory tract infection , 6 year old raju developed maculopapular rash over the legs and gluteals . he also developed pain and swelling over his knees and ankles . his motion tested positive for occult blood . his urine showed microscopic hematuria and mild proteinuria . what do u expect to find in the renal biopsy ?
a- mesangial proliferation with characteristic mesangial deposition of Ig A
b- crescents in the glomerulus
c- double contour or tram track appearance of the glomerular capillary wall
d- enlarged , hypercellular , relatively bloodless glomeruli
e- thyroidization of renal tubules

*The clinical picture indicates HENOSCH SCHONLEIN PURPURA . Option b is RPGN . Option c is type 1 MPGN . Option d is PSGN . Option e is Chronic pyelonephritis (CPN) .

44 - The most common cause of non thrombocytopenic purpura in children is ?

45 - ROSS procedure and KONNO procedure are done for which of the following?
a- VSD
b- PS
c- ASD
d- congenital AS

46 - Brain abscess in cyanotic heart disease is commonly located in ?
a- cerebellar hemisphere
b- thalamus
c- temporal lobe
d- parietal lobe

47 - Adenoma sebaceum is a feature of
a- neurofibroma
b- xanthomatosis
c- tuberous sclerosis
d- incontinenta pigmenti

48 - Drug of choice in simple partial seizure is ?
a- valproic acid
b- phenytoin
c- carbamazepine
d- phenobarbitone

49 - Ethosuximide is used in the treatment of ?
a- tonic clonic seizures
b- absence seizures
c- myoclonic seizures
d- simple partial seizures

*Reference: Harrison 16 th edition - page 2367.

50 - CSF finding in TB meningitis ?
a- high sugar + low protein
b- low sugar + high protein + lymphocytes
c- high sugar + high chloride
d- high sugar + high protein + lymphopenia

*To answer related questions u need to know the normal CSF values and findings .

-Normal glucose in CSF = 40 to 70 mg/dl ( or ) 2.22 - 3.89 mmol/l.
-Normal total protein ( lumbar ) = 15 to 50 mg/dl.
-Total leukocytes = 0 to 5 mononuclear cells per cubic mm .
-Normal CSF pressure = 50 to 180 mm of water .

MCQs in Pediatrics ; Over 600 Questions with Explanatory Notes
MCQs in Pediatrics 2nd edition
McQs in Paediatrics (Pocket MCQs)

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